11 products were found matching your search for Talent Attraction in 1 shops:
Cohesion Culture: Proven Principles to Retain Your Top Talent
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.97 $DID YOU KNOW that 63% of employees are actively searching for a new position? In today's war for talent, the focus should be on talent retention, not just talent attraction. C-Suite Executives, Company Founders, and Sr. HR Leaders need to develop an organizational culture where employees want to belong. Dr. Troy Hall helps you create a "Best Places To Work" environment, where your employees love to work, and stay to work.
Charisma: The Gift of Grace, and How It Has Been Taken Away from Us
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.87 $Charisma has come to be understood today as a special gift or talent that celebrities–artistic performers, athletes, movie stars, or political leaders–possess, a quality that makes their lives exemplary and transforms them into objects of universal appeal or attraction.In Charisma, Philip Rieff explores the emergence and evolution of this mysterious and compelling concept within Judeo-Christian culture. Its first expression was in the idea of the covenant between God and the Israelites: Charisma–religious grace and authority–was transferred through divine inspiration to the Old Testament prophets; it was embodied by Jesus of Nazareth, the first true charismatic hero. Rieff shows how St. Paul transformed charisma into a form of social organization, how it was reworked by Martin Luther and by nineteenth-century Protestant theologians, and, finally, how Max Weber redefined charisma as a secular political concept. By emptying charisma of its religious meaning, Weber opened the door to the modern perception of it as little more than a form of celebrity, stripped of moral considerations.Rieff rejects Weber’s definition, insisting that Weber misunderstood the relation between charisma and faith. He argues that without morality, the gift of grace becomes indistinguishable from the gift of evil, and it devolves into a license to destroy and kill in the name of faith or ideology. Offering brilliant interpretations of Kierkegaard, Weber, Kafka, Nietzsche, and Freud, Rieff shows how certain thinkers attacked the very possibility of faith and genuine charisma and helped prepare the way for the emergence of a therapeutic culture in which it is impossible to recognize that which is sacred. Rieff’s analysis of charisma is an analysis of the deepest level of crisis in our culture.
Sixteen Shades of Smart: How cities can shape their own future
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.99 $Smart cities are a fast-growing species, and a fascinating field for new experiments in a number of critical areas, ranging from urban planning, sustainable energy, and transport strategies to social integration and talent attraction, to name a few. As leaders and citizens around the world continue to assess, design, implement and improve on ways to create better cities, they often find themselves confronted with a multitude of decisions and a wide range of partial solutions to specific problems such as traffic congestion, waste management and crime. Unfortunately, they have precious few tools to enable them to define the strategies required and take advantage of the experience of other smart cities around the world. In such a context, metrics can play a significant and constructive role: by quantifying efforts and results, they increase the ability of decision-makers to identify where their priorities should lie as well as the relative merits of various approaches.
Rifter 1
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.57 $A synthesis of Game Master and Players' Guide, talent show, fan forum, news/house organ, sourcebook and fun for the entire Megaverse of Palladium RPGs. Every issue, unique and informative. Palladium News. Coming Attractions. G.M. & Player tips. Optional Nightbane Morphus tables & Beyond the Supernatural O.C.C.s. How to name characters by Erick Wujcik. Knights of the Dinner Table comic strip by Blackburn. Rifts: Siege on Tolkeen - a serialized novella. A bunch of Rifts RPG stuffand a whole lot more!
David Sheherd: My Painting Life
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.27 $Few artists possess David Shepherd's combination of talent and truly popular appeal. He modestly suggests that his success is a result of good fortune and being in the right place at the right time, but for those who know his work, it is obvious that its attraction stems from the wholehearted enthusiasm with which he embraces his subjects - his paintings are suffused with the life, emotion and colour which reflect David's own personality. Combining over 60 of his very best paintings with an endearingly lively autobiographical text, the book takes a fresh look at the fascinating life of this irrepressible artist. From his first influences and training with Robin Goodwin, through early struggles and successes, and on to the leaps and bounds of his subsequent career, David tells his tale with honesty and sincerity. He pays tribute to the people, and animals, who have helped him along the way, and express his total commitment to the cause of wildlife conservation, as well as his lifelong love of what he calls "big toys" - steam trains, airplanes and ships. David regards his life as a marvelous adventure, and his talent for telling it "how it happened" draws us in, enabling us to share and enjoy his experiences to the full. This outstanding collection of paintings reflects every facet of David Shepherd's personality and experience. He says he is lucky to have had the opportunities that he has had in his life; we are lucky that he has chosen to share them with us through his words and pictures.
Strategic Staffing: United States Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.09 $Where the strategy of staffing and business align. Strategic Staffing prepares all current and future managers to take a strategic and modern approach to the identification, attraction, selection, deployment, and retention of talent. Grounded in research but full of real-world examples, this text describes how organizations can develop a staffing strategy that reinforces business strategy, leverages staffing technology, and evaluates and improves staffing systems. This edition includes new and relevant topics on staffing that readers will be able to immediately apply in their future careers–including a discussion on how Twitter and Facebook can be used for sourcing and managing staffing systems.
David Shepherd: My Painting Life [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.33 $Few artists possess David Shepherd's combination of talent and truly popular appeal. He modestly suggests that his success is a result of good fortune and being in the right place at the right time, but for those who know his work, it is obvious that its attraction stems from the wholehearted enthusiasm with which he embraces his subjects - his paintings are suffused with the life, emotion and colour which reflect David's own personality.Combining over 60 of his very best paintings with an endearingly lively autobiographical text, the book takes a fresh look at the fascinating life of this irrepressible artist. From his first influences and training with Robin Goodwin, through early struggles and successes, and on to the leaps and bounds of his subsequent career, David tells his tale with honesty and sincerity. He pays tribute to the people, and animals, who have helped him along the way, and expresses his total commitment to the cause of wildlife conservation, as well as his lifelong love of what he calls 'big toys' - steam trains, aeroplanes and ships. David regards his life as a marvellous adventure, and his talent for telling it 'how it happened' draws us in, enabling us to share and enjoy his experiences to the full.This outstanding collection of paintings reflects every facet of David Shepherd's personality and experience. He says he is lucky to have had the opportunities that he has had in his life; we are lucky that he has chosen to share them with us through his words and pictures.
Sixteen Shades of Smart: How cities can shape their own future
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.91 $Smart cities are a fast-growing species, and a fascinating field for new experiments in a number of critical areas, ranging from urban planning, sustainable energy, and transport strategies to social integration and talent attraction, to name a few. As leaders and citizens around the world continue to assess, design, implement and improve on ways to create better cities, they often find themselves confronted with a multitude of decisions and a wide range of partial solutions to specific problems such as traffic congestion, waste management and crime. Unfortunately, they have precious few tools to enable them to define the strategies required and take advantage of the experience of other smart cities around the world. In such a context, metrics can play a significant and constructive role: by quantifying efforts and results, they increase the ability of decision-makers to identify where their priorities should lie as well as the relative merits of various approaches.
Rifter #23 (Your Guide to the Megaverse, 23)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.00 $The Rifter® is a combination magazine, sourcebook, fan forum, Game Master and Players' Guide, talent show, news source and fun for fans of all of Palladium's role-playing games. Each issue includes questions & answers, news and coming attractions, source material for Rifts® and several of the following, Palladium Fantasy®, Heroes Unlimited, Nightbane® or Beyond the SupernaturalTM, Phase World®, After the Bomb® and others. Contributing writers include Siembieda, Wujcik, Breaux, Coffin, Nowak, and others. For The Palladium Fantasy RPG®: The Blade Mage, a sorcerer that specializes in magic involving swords and blades of all kinds. For The Palladium Fantasy RPG®: Palladium Astronomy. For the Nightbane RPG®: The Spell Breather O.C.C. and Living Magic. For After the Bomb® and Heroes UnlimitedTM: Mutant dinosaurs. For Rifts®, Faerie Harvest - the unknown war between Faerie Folk and the Splugorth! Rifts®: A look at Coalition Special Ops - Snipers. Rifts® Fiction and more. The latest news and announcements.
David Shepherd: The Man and His Paintings
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.98 $Few artists possess David Shepherd's combination of talent and truly popular appeal. He modestly suggests that his success is a result of good fortune and being in the right place at the right time, but for those who know his work, it is obvious that its attraction stems from the wholehearted enthusiasm with which he embraces his subjects - his paintings are suffused with the life, emotion and colour which reflect David's own personality. Combining over 60 of his very best paintings with an endearingly lively autobiographical text, the book takes a fresh look at the fascinating life of this irrepressible artist. From his first influences and training with Robin Goodwin, through early struggles and successes, and on to the leaps and bounds of his subsequent career, David tells his tale with honesty and sincerity. He pays tribute to the people, and animals, who have helped him along the way, and expresses his total commitment to the cause of wildlife conservation, as well as his lifelong love of what he calls 'big toys' - steam trains, aeroplanes and ships. David regards his life as a marvellous adventure, and his talent for telling it 'how it happened' draws us in, enabling us to share and enjoy his experiences to the full. This outstanding collection of paintings reflects every facet of David Shepherd's personality and experience. He says he is lucky to have had the opportunities that he has had in his life; we are lucky that he has chosen to share them with us through his words and pictures.
City -by Ingela P Arrhenius [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.95 $From the designer behind Animals comes another eye-catching oversize offering: thirty-two vivid images honoring the sights and staples of our cities.After turning heads and delighting readers with her giant book of animals, Swedish children’s designer Ingela P. Arrhenius turns her talents to the many attractions that make cities so special. Iconic urban images are featured on every page — from subways to skyscrapers, museums to cafes, fountains to sidewalk newsstands. Each bold, graphic image is set apart by a different typeface, transforming a whimsical celebration of cities into an artfully designed title for every bookshelf.
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